Monday, December 8, 2008

Anolog Techniques - Definitions


Technical - physical openings control amount of light that hits the film
Creative - controls depth of field (DOF)

Small DOF = small area of focus in image
EX. A portait that isolates the subject from its surroundings (large opening)

Large DOF = large area of focus in image
EX. A landscape image where everything is in focus (small opening)

Small no. = large opening
Large no. = small opening


Technical - controls the amount of time that light hits the film
Creative - Depiction of motion

Sync Speed - the fastest shutter speed that can be used to successfully with a flash

Reasonable hand held shutter speed: 1/lens length

Chapter 3
pp. 29 - 33

Definition of Expsure

Film exposure = illumination of image on film x time
Illuminance = amount of light falling on a surface
Luminance = amount of light reflecting from the suface of the subject

Luminance is affect by 2 variables:
  1. Illumination - the amount of light falling on the subject
  2. Reflectance -ability to reflect light

Shutter Speed - the length of time the image is allowed to fall on the film

1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/15 1/30 1/60 1/125 1/250 1/500 1/1000

---> Half the amount of time .......Doubling <---

longer shutter speeds...............faster shutter speeds
more light or exposure..............less light or exposure
blur................................stop motion

Each are one stop away from each other

Aperture - a variable opening in the lens consisting of an iris shaped diaphragm. This is controlled by the ring with f-stops on it. It controls the amount of light hitting the film as well as the DOF.

1.4 2 2.8 4 5.6 8 11 16 22

<---Double.........Half --->

more light less light
shallow DOF larger DOF

EX. Equivalent Exposures

Daytime: f5.6 @ 1/125
f2 @ 1/1000
f22 @ 1/8

Night time: f5.6 @ 1/30
f22 @ 1/2

ISO - film speed index. The sensitivity of the film to light


less sensitive to light...........more sensitive to light

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